Hi! I hope everyone is doing well. I wanted to start off by saying a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who sponsored us on our March for Babies. We raised a total of $33o and successfully walked the entire 6 miles! YAY! We had a great time and I think we're all agreed that we're doing it again next year. I thought I had fresh batteries in my camera but after taking a handful of photos...camera died.

Here is Ms Thang before the walk. I don't think she really understood how much walking was involved beforehand. lol She repeatedly asked..."How much farther?" during the walk. Towards the end...she was pouring her water on her head instead of drinking it. It really wasn't that hot but she thought it was fun.

This is the beginning of walk. That's two of our team members up there in the purple shirts. My oldest daughter (Megan) and her hopefully soon to be step-mom (Regina). Megan had plans later so they were trying to finish as soon as possible. They finished about 20 minutes ahead of us and had to wait anyway since we had their car keys. :P
The cute little man is now playing T-ball. T-ball games are always so funny. He can hit the ball off the tee and he has a good arm so I think we've got us a future ballplayer here. YAY Killian! Here are a few photos I took the other day. I also learned how to watermark my photos...only took me a few hours. *you can click the photos to make them bigger*

This one is my absolute favorite. He looks so peaceful. I love the photos when the subject isn't even aware that they're being photographed. I think they're the best photos sometimes...quiet moments captured forever.

Here he is watching the game...actually I don't know what he was watching...we were just proud he was sitting down and waiting his turn. Notice the hat...too big but cute.

Killian and his Daddy after the game. It was the first game Ms Thang and I went to and he was so preoccupied with her the whole time. He was paying attention to her here so I couldn't get him to look at me. Who cares about Aunt Mel when "Girl" is around? lol He can't say her name so he calls her Girl...too cute.

Killian and Daddy again on third base. Dad has been drafted as a coach for the team which is pretty cool. I know this will mean a lot to both of them when the little man is all grown up. They're creating some great memories.

I loved this photo but it wasn't the best quality so I "cartooned" him. He looks so serious.
That's about all for now. I'm still working on my crocheted baby blanket...almost finished and getting some designs written up to test knitted. The weather is nice but the pollen is killing me. I may have to grab one of Grandma's masks so I can go out and take some photos of all the lovely flowers and trees.
I seriously need to get back to knitting and my photos...they've both been neglected lately. I miss them. (And Cat who needs to get her behind back down here to the South!!!)
Take care everyone and I am so sorry I haven't been blog visiting lately. I'm going to get it together eventually...seriously, I am. Facebook is a time sucker that rivals Ravelry but I love that I can so easily keep in touch with my family and friends. I will make the blog rounds soon and catch up with you all.
Lots of love and hugs!!
great pics and it is set for walking next year
what wonderful photos.
What a beautiful girl Sunkisses is, thanks for sharing your beautiful photos. Killian is getting such a big boy.
Thanks once again
It's so hard to manage all the different things isn't it? My blog has been so neglected! Loved hearing from you, great photo's!!
Your little man is so very cute...looks like he had lots of fun playing T-ball :)
OMG Mel those photos are awesome. I love the B&W and the cartoon one. I am glad to see you post LOL even though I am REEEAAALLLYY late reading it.
Hey cool my word verification was winesc
Congrats on your dollar amount! Well done. Kids are funny about the walking; they probably routinely put that many or more miles in a normal day of kid activities...it's just different for them.
Love the first black and white baseball photo...thats really awesome. I, like you like the non-posed photo's. Sometimes you can really capture something.
Been way too long since you've come visiting, hope things are going well.
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