Yesterday was a dreary kinda day....cloudy and the wind blowing...sometimes coming in such strong gusts that it repeatedly re-arranged the chairs on the deck. Then comes the dark clouds and rain and I'm thinking....this is NOT the way I want my week to start out.

The clouds finally started rolling out and we really need the rain so I shouldn't complain. The clouds do make for some pretty cool photos too. Like I said.....I so do not want a week that goes like this.

I'm seriously hoping the rainbow that followed is a MUCH better sign for the week ahead. I wish I could have gotten a better photo but the light was crappy and this is as good as I could I was standing in the yard under an umbrella taking this photo in the rain. The rain started back just as I saw the rainbow. I guess it can't decide what kind of week I'm having just yet....that's normal....chaos as usual. lol

A quick knitting catch-up....this is the bag for my neighbor's daughter. Her favorite colors. Mom assured me that she will love it since she wasn't home to see it yet. It was done in Sugar & and red.

This is teacher bag #1. Again, her choice of colors. This one (as well as the other two teacher bags to come) was done in acrylic and I'm just gonna say it.....I HIGHLY recommend using acrylic for these bags. It's low maintenance, knits quickly and won't break the bank...not to mention the unlimited colors available in acrylic. This one is done in Red Heart Super Saver...color is Earth & Sky. I finished this one over the weekend so I'm thinking if I really buckle down...I can have all three done by the end of the week. I did just a bit of pattern adjusting for this yarn....cast on 34 stitches instead of the 44 on the pattern and used a US Size 7 needle for the bottom (US Sz 5 on pattern). I knit the body of the bag on the US Sz 10.5 just as the pattern calls for. It's a good size...not too big and the acrylic has so much more stretch than the cotton. Then it's back to finishing up the bags for us. I've lost count on how many...wondering if there will ever be a last one. :P
Back to bag #2...hope you're all doing great!
I love the bags, and it's great talking to you on the phone, we should do this more often.
I LOVE the bags! The colors are perfect. I didn't know you could make purses out of Sugar and Cream. I thought that was only good for dishcloths and washcloths. It is truly great to learn new things. Thanks for sharing.
WOW you are on a bag roll. I love the colors that you choose.
It seems like every time I go to hang out the laundry it rains. I'm not complaining either we need it also.
I just love your bags, the red and black one, but my favorite is the green. Keep it up.
Nice, nice bags. I am now inspired to do more. They really are the handiest things. Hope your having a great week! Hoping that the rainbow helped. They are so cool, they are worth standing out in the rain for.:)
I love your bags!! The colors are great! You have a way with colors, ya know. Anyways, thanks to you knittin' all them bags, I couldn't resist starting a bagstopper. It's taking me a coon's age. ;)
Your bags are really looking fabulous. That last one sure is pretty. That's good to know that the acrylic works out better than the cotton. Back in high school I crocheted a bag from red heart acrylic, but I got rid of it when crocheted bags went out of style. Boy do I wish I still had that bag. Well, guess you can't cry over spilled milk ;)
You are turning in to a speed demon, my knitting has really slowed down lately!
The rainbow I'm sure means everything good will come to you :)
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