I haven't posted in a while...lots of happenings going on around here. We're busy right now "sharing the love"...by that I mean...passing around some nasty bug. The little man had strep throat was and so sick but he's feeling better. I had a stomach virus and now Ms Thang is taking her turn with it. Her fever keeps spiking pretty high...up to 103 at times so I've been busy trying to keep it down and watch her closely for any changes...good or bad.

I haven't gotten much knitting done the last day or two but this is my progress so far on one of my Ravelympics projects. It's a baby blanket of my own design. I hope I get some time tomorrow to knit on it since I do have one more project to do for the Ravelympics and I am so afraid I'm not going to make it to the finish line with both of them.

This is the other new thing around here. I found out about this from a sweet new friend, Shawn. She is also deaf and asked me if we had one of these. I had never heard of it so she pointed me in the right direction. It took less than two weeks to mail in the application and someone to show up at my door to install it. It's a Sorenson Video Phone for Ms. Thang to use to make calls. This thing is AWESOME!! It hooks to the computer through a router and then displays on the television. She can use it to make phone calls to anyone...anywhere. They have interpreters for making calls to those who don't use one or who are hearing. It has a camera and she sits in from of the TV where the camera is located and signs her message to the interpreter who in turn voices the message to the hearing individual. If she calls someone who also uses the device...they simply sign to each other using the camera...kinda like a webcam but on the TV. We're pretty excited about it. Just knowing she can call 911 if she needs to is a huge relief to me. Shawn...if you happen to read this...THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

This gentleman....and I use that term loosely :P....is
Shirl's son Will. He loves to give us a hard time about knitting and how we are killing the poor sheep of the world. I don't think he believed I would post this photo so ... HA! I posted it!! He actually did knit a row too.
Okay, I am off to try to get a little knitting done. Oh, how do you like the new blog design? I need to work on the sidebar a bit...hard to see some of the words. Hopefully I can fix that...I really like this new look.
*edited to add....tweaked it a little....I think you read the sidebar better now. :P*
I'm hoping everyone is feeling better soon
Mel how awesome about the video phone
I like the new look of your blog. I am still trying to figure out how to make a three column layout. I feel so dumb.
I hope everyone is feeling better today. {{{HUGS}}}
Your blog looks beautiful! It's so great to read your blog again :) Miss you!
Aw, I didn't know you were sick or I'da run some soup over to you. Glad you're on the mend though.
Ain't it a wonder what can be done in the electronic world today! I'm tickled for young Ms. to be able to communicate when the need arises.
Your baby blanket is VERY cute! Can't wait to see it all finished!
I really like the new look on your blog! You've got some good style goin' now. :)(Is that your camper? It's very cool.)
First, hope you and yours are feeling much better very soon!! Your blog looks amazing, I almost didn't know where I was!! I love the header and the colors!!
Hello my friend. I was delighted by your new blog look. Do you need your button redone? It will take me half a second to do it if you do.
The baby blanket is looking awesome. You are so talented!
Great news on the new equipment. I bet your mind and heart are much more at ease now.
Lots of rest and liquids, and lots of knitting during quiet time!
Blessings to you.
Sorry to hear you've all been under the weather and hope everyone gets feeling better soon and stays that way.
Love the ghan you're working on, wonderful design. Doesn't look easy, or something that would be easy to do in front of the tube.
Hope the phone thing is worthwhile...sounds like it's a wonderful item.
Have a great day
Hope by now you all are feeling much better. So early in the school year to start getting bugs!Hugs :)
Your new blog design is awesome!!!I love it...you are so creative :)
That phone is awesome as well...I didn't know they had any such a thing. It's perfect!!
I've finished 3 more cloths for the ravelympics but I have yet to post them to the finish line. Am I bad or what? I'm a little more than halfway done with my 2nd sock....I think if I finish it this week I'll be doing good. I have pretty much scrapped the last pair of socks...no way will I finish a pair by Sunday ;) It was fun. Good luck with the rest of your knitting :)
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