As promised...a day "new" sewing machine and my first sewing project. First cute little machine. I have him in his own little corner with enough space to do my small projects. If I ever get brave enough to try something big...we got problems. :P

I really like that it's smaller than most machines I've seen. It doesn't take up as much room which is good because I don't have lots of room to spare with a house full of kids. lol I haven't played around with all the settings yet. There are so many different stitches to try still.

Some photos of my first project. It's a little bag with a wrist strap. It's not quite finished yet since I need a zipper and the one I had was much too big. I'm going to try to get one today that will fit so I can get it done.

Here's a photo of the lining. I am so excited. I lined a bag! How awesome is that!? Lucky for me, I have my Mom close by to yell for help if I need it. She made sure I understood what I was going to do but she told me she was leaving me to it unless I called for help. The best way to learn is to do it yourself. Trust me....come zipper time...I
will be yelling for help. :P

I even did the square bottom on my bag! It's a bit crooked on one side but I'm still proud of it. Not too shabby for a first time bag maker I don't think. I think it kinda looks like one of those brown paper sacks.
I have a pattern printed out to make bags from old pillowcases and I want to try that one next. I need to go thrift store shopping and see if I can find some decent pillowcases. Hopefully I'll find some cute prints or bright colors to play around with. Recycling is a good thing. I don't know how good I'll get with it but I think I'm gonna like this sewing thing. :)
Now, I gotta go finish a little bag I'm knitting and get the little man's pool/beach bag done. He goes to the beach next month so he's going to be needing it.
That is just adorable! Where did you find the pattern? Is it something online? I like the idea of recycling pillowcases and might have to visit my local thrift shop as well. Take care, and happy sewing!
Ohh it's adorable hun, My next big sewing project I want to be a purse/bag for myself :)
Love your little sewing machine. My big old machine is a real pain to set up. I bet you'll be using yours all the time :)
Love your bag...very cute. You did an awesome job with the bottom. Keep it up!! Have fun :)
Yea! You're a sewer now, too! Excellent job on the bag. I personally think a lined anything is an ambitious first project, and you really made a nice piece. It will make a great sock-KIP bag.
What a cool little machine. I haven't sewn in a several years. Think last time I dug out the machine was my daughters Freshman year in, maybe it was her sophmore year. I made 12 geniune type pants for a play she was writing and directing. She brough the fabric and pattern home on her Christmas break and said...hey, this is something I thought we could do together. Together meant she hoped I'd be able to get them all done, while she went to visit her boyfriend for a few days. lol
She and the boyfriend soon parted, I did get the 12 geniune pants done, she finished the play; and it was a huge success. I bought her a machine after that...figuring if she was going to continue to do the play stuff she would need it. And, I've not had my machine out since. She's only used her a few times, though she's glad to have it.
Well done!!! I don't have the interest in sewing that I do with knitting and crocheting; and for the moment I sure don't need to re-start another hobby. Hubby sometimes wonder if I'm over taking the house as it is with all the yarn, if I starting adding fabric to the mix he might really go off the deep end!
Have fun with you new machine and have a great day
I love your cute little machine!! If they had one in red, I'd be all over it!!! Great little bag, adorable!!!!!!!!!
Madam Seamstress!! The bag is adorable! Can't wait to see it all zipped up! You're sewin' now, Girl! I'm really impressed.
That's the cutest li'l sewing machine I ever saw!
Mel - I love what you've done to the blog. What a cool makeover!!!!
Now, that bag is incredible. What a great job you did. First timer. Geesh. What can you NOT do??
And that abc train afghan you did. I saw that on rav and about died. Wow. Incredible job! Girl, you've got some heavy talent
I've never seen a machine like that. That's what I need in my cubby hole of a house, lol.
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