Okay so I'm trying to patiently wait for my invite but it's so hard to be patient. Not that I have a choice in the matter but I'm sure they get tired of me constantly looking up my place in line. It has become almost a daily ritual. I just checked for the day and.....YAY ME! This is what they said today...
Found you!
You signed up on June 18, 2007
You are #9961 on the list.
34 people are ahead of you in line.
18153 people are behind you in line.
35% of the list has been invited so far
It shouldn't be long now. I can't wait to get in and see what all the hype is about. The things I have heard make it sound wonderful. They say you can spend hours just looking at all the photos of other member's FOs. As if I need something else to become obsessed with...lol.
If you'd like to check your place in line, just click the photo above to go to the antsy page and find out where you are.
I also found out today that my cousin is expecting her first child. New babies are so exciting, especially since my baby is now 11 years old. :( I get to do some knitting for a baby. I have a blankie almost done already but it will be fun to try some little booties and a hat or two. I will have to browse around for some cute and easy patterns. I don't want anything that requires shaping...not ready to got there just yet.
Last night, I cast on my first ballband dishcloth. I have wanted to do one for a while but looking at the pattern just boggled my mind. For some reason I just couldn't figure out in my head how the color combinations came together....which color ends up where , etc. After a few rows, it suddenly clicked! I can't wait to finish so I can post a photo.