Still not much knitting going on...don't know why other than I can't seem to free up some time to focus on it. I got a little done at school waiting for the kids to get out and then a little more at speech therapy this afternoon.....that's it. I'm not happy about this situation and it must be fixed and SOON!
It's getting hotter here so the boys and I got out the air conditioner and put it back in the window...have one more to do tomorrow. I cleaned it up really good and made sure the filter was all shiny and clean and thankfully...it's working just fine. Very soon we're going to have to get busy with the grass cutting....I so hate the grass cutting. Good thing I've got two boys to delegate that nasty duty to. We've got a pretty big yard so it will take them both to get it done. Someone has to supervise ya know. :P
Okay enough talking your head off tonight. I'm going to try to sneak in a little knitting now. Sshh....don't want anyone to hear or they will "need" something. lol
Oh yeah....don't forget to go check out Brian's contest. Awesome prizes...don't forget to tell him I sent ya. *yes, I'm trying to get more chances to win....I admit it* Did I mention awesome prizes? lol
Another contest....check out Must Keep Knitting for details.
I love it that they took. We replanted some Rhododendron and one died. sniff, sniff. I'm playing lazy today and just watching TV and knitting. How about you?
See now...being diligent with the watering paid off :) Yay !!
I'm so happy to see that the plants took. We just planted some azala's by the Civic League Bldg. last week. They look pretty good too.
I didn't get much knitting or crocheting in today because I was fighting with my computer! I love technology!! Finally I did get a red pair of fingerless gloves made in crochet. They worked up very fast and I'm a fast crocheter.
Hope you got your knitting in sometime today!
Good luck on the secret knit....uh secret "you" time. You deserve it!
Also I think you need a raise for supervising the mowing. It's hard work making sure your kids do it right. So a visit to your LYS is in order!
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