Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Wordless Wednesday...Peek A Boo


Anonymous said...

oh, that is too cute!!

Aunt Kathy said...

Ok what is wordless Wednesday? I feel lost and dazed and confused.

It doesn't take much, LOL

Joyful Days said...

Too bad you don't have video for America's Funniest!!

Those are fantastic.

BeccA's Buzz said...

Ta hehehe, ta he he, ta hehehe! I love that!!! Kitties do the funnies things sometimes! My WW is up too, come see! Happy WW!

ICJ said...

HA HA! What a clever cat! :-)

Happy WW!

Isabelle aka Tricotine

Shelia said...

Very cute, HA! Happy WW!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Very cute. :) Looks like a fun toy!

Anonymous said...

that is so cute!! Happy WW.

Mark said...

That's one thing cats have over dogs -- slapping at things with their paws, until those claws come out. Then the party's over.

Anonymous said...

that is really cute!

Natalie said...

Silly kitty! LOL!

Ingrid said...

Hahaha ! I have to buy a doll house for my cats !

BNS said...

Kitty likes to play house. Happy WW.

onwebcheck said...

:) thats funny! enjoy WW!

Four-eyed-missy said...

Hahaha, this is very cute! Happy WW.

ms blue said...

Cats always find the most creative places to go! It certainly makes for an adorable photo.

ZAM said...

Funny tabby. Is that someone else's playhouse or his? Happy WW.

kml said...

This is a riot! Good capture!

Joyismygoal said...

cute do they share

WritRams said...

GREAT PIC! Thanks for sharing! Happy WW!


Gill said...

That is too cute!

Sophia said...

That is so cute!!!!!!!

Babeth said...

Now how did he get in there ? And what happened to the previous occupants ?

Happy WW !!

Unknown said...

Too funny. Great picture! Happy WW!

Unknown said...

That is so funny!!! How cute.
My WW is up.

Mimi Lenox said...

soooo cute.

Kim @ PAI said...

That is too cute!

SimplyMe said...

Melanie - I've been reading you on AK's blog for so long! I've been checking yours out as well. What's Wordless Wednesday? I love the pic no matter what!!!

You, too can be a sock knitter. Email me sometime and I'll walk you through it. It's just a psych-out thing. it's like everything else, as long as you only focus on the row at hand and not the whole picture, the whole thing is quite easy. All that talk about gussets, heel flaps, heel turns, toe shaping and all that just instills fear in a nonsock knitter. I was one for years. Now, I can't figure out what the big deal is. You can do ANYTHING you want to do!!!!!

Wendy said...

LOL I have so many of those DUH moments (can I blame them on grey hair) Did you see the picture of my cat in the stuffed animals??
Gotta love them.. Hope you do come back and visit. I try to keep it up to date........

Sophie said...

What a cute kitty! Kitties can be real funny sometimes. Thanks for visiting!