I got a message from a blog reader about printing out the free patterns on my site. She was having touble getting them to copy and paste so she could print. If anyone has problems with them, feel free to email me or leave a comment anywhere on the blog (I will get the message) and I will be happy to email you a copy of the pattern/s you want. I have them all in Word doc. format saved on my computer.
I finished the baby hat but it was WAY too small. It has now found a home on my daughter's baby doll's head. lol The doll still only has one bootie though. I still need to make her another one. I will post a photo of my baby bootie set soon. (Did I already promise that already? lol) I also have to start another hat in a bigger size for the real baby. Hope everyone is well and happy. I've felt a little overwhelmed lately...trying to get it all together. My Ravelry guilt is about to get the best of me. I so need to get back on there and get my page done. So many people still waiting to get in and here I've been in for some time and have done NOTHING. I'm so ashamed. My name on Ravelry is "lilknitter" if anyone else is already on. I hope to see you all there eventually.
i want the holder....... is that striping or regular varigated?... i love it... love those colors too... later :Þ
Hi Melanie
Love the can holder also.
I have a pattern for a baby preemie hat if you would like it.
We seem to give to our children first and then what's left that ours.
I still hate cold food that is suppose to be hot.
Your newest cozy is nifty! I love the stripey look.
I, also, am partial to Word docs. I appreciate it when patterns are in that format. I don't get the hoopla over acrobat reader. Word is so much better for me. Maybe I'm not learned enough on documents, but that would cut into my knitting time. Well, off the soap box for now; have a good one.
That is neat - I drool over P & C, I have to order it online where I am from the fact that you can buy it at walmart has me green with envy.
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