I've actually finished it the next day but life has kept me busy and I haven't had a chance to post the photo until now. And as ususal, it is already gone. My Mom saw it when I was taking the photo and just "had to have it". She got it just in time since my sister also came in about that same time and wanted it for herself. She was just a bit too late. I can't wait for the day I make something that I actually get to keep and call my own. lol Does anyone else have this problem? These are the people who laughed at me for even learning to knit in the first place. They teased me about it being an old lady's hobby and never missed an opportunity to get a good "one-liner" in. Now these people are constantly wanting to know what I am working on and asking me to knit them something. I take that as a compliment. Anyway, I just wanted to get this photo posted so you could see how it turned out. Thanks again, Tea. It's a great design and a quick knit. Here's the link once again for anyone who is interested in giving it a try. For those of you who've never knit one of the round cloths...this would be a perfect first one to try. It's super easy...jump in!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
I've Been Tagged
I've been tagged ....twice! Brian (http://brileyknits.blogspot.com/) tagged me and Tiff (http://babiesandbitsofyarn.blogspot.com/) tagged me this morning. Brian tagged my 360 page but I will only torture these 6 people. So, here's the deal. When you're tagged, you need to list 6 weird things about yourself on your blog. Then pick 6 people to tag and list them on your blog. You then leave a comment on these people's blogs stating that they've been tagged and direct them to your blog for the rules.
I apologize if these things aren't weird enough...but here goes.
1. I am so addicted to French Vanilla Cappuccino. Even if it's 90 degress out.
2. I absolutely love anything by Stephen King. The man is a genius.
3. I am a firm believer that no man EVER walked on the moon. :P
4. I own enough purses to fill a small dumptruck....I can't resist a cute purse, another one of my addictions.
5. I rarely watch television...except to see Ghosthunters and Nascar. Hey, girls like racing too. (GO JR!)
6. I will collect anything with a snowman on it. I love snowmen! I even have some displayed all year round.
So, now time for the "taggees"....
1. Amy-lynne http://frogiezplace.blogspot.com/
2. Mandy http://missmandigirl.blogspot.com/
3. Shelly http://kadezmom.blogspot.com/
4. Suzy http://suzysknittingnotes.blogspot.com/
5. Dawn http://lakebreeze.org/blog3/
6. Aunt Kathy http://gimpykatk.blogspot.com/
Okay ladies, you're it!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Picot Swirl Cloth
The round cloths seem to knit up so much faster and I do love the "instant gratification". I bought this ball of Sugar & Cream because I really liked the colors...had no idea what I would use it for at the time though. It's called Jewels. I so love this pattern and as a bonus, I learned something new today. YAY! I didn't know how to do a picot edge til now. Thanks Tea for sharing the pattern. I love it!
Just a little close-up of the picot edge for ya. I think I like this better than the other ones with the pointy edges. I will probably have to go up a needle size on my next one. Being a tight knitter, mine is coming out a little smaller than it was designed to be. I should have known this before I started but I have something on my 8's and I just couldn't wait.
round cloth
Monday, July 23, 2007
Cloth Of The Week...Poppycock Feathers
The next one I knit, I think I will only do one row of knit before the pattern. I really like the wavy edges...it's a change from the usual square cloths. Although another group member used a 1" border on both the cast on edge and the bind off edge and it looked very nice as well. It gave the cloth a whole different look. Even the center pattern looked slightly differen that way in my opinion. Very nice.
feather and fan,
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Cable Cloth Finished
I ended up frogging the scrubber again. Just couldn't get it done to suit me. I cast on this one instead and finally managed to get one finished. The first photo is a little bright but the color is definitely more true. It would have looked a lot better if I had blocked it but I couldn't wait to share my photos. I am so excited to have actually completed one.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Cables....I Haven't Given Up Yet
Key word here being...YET.
I frogged the first cable attempt...just wasn't happy with it. This is my second go at it. I'm surprised that I've made it this far since I am constantly resisting the urge to frog again. So, any of you more experienced knitters out there who might have the urge to give advice or tips....I am now begging for them. It just doesn't look right to me. (Not that I really know what it should look like...lol) I'm sure some of you have learned some tricks over the years for cables and my poor aching brain would love to hear em! I'm pretty sure there is at least one mistake so far...I think I knit one row too many before a cable row but I can force myself to overlook that if all else goes okay. It will probably end up as a gift to a non-knitting soul who will never know the difference. SShhhh....it's our secret. I won't tell if you don't.
Mother Nature Is Obviously Upset...
I don't who did it or what they did...but someone has really made Mother Nature mad. This is another fine afternoon in the South. This isn't even the really scary part of the cloud. I couldn't get a good photo since I was in the car and I was driving. I had a hard enough time just staying in my lane...the wind was awful. But I have to admit, in some strange sort of way, storm clouds are so beautiful. These were so low that it looked like you could almost touch them. It's both fascinating and frightening to watch them. Luckily we only got a lot of wind, lightening and rain. It had me going for a moment though...thought maybe there was another tornado in the works.
On another note, I frogged my cable scrubber. I just wasn't happy with the way it was looking. I forced myself to knit a little loosely but that only made it worse. I will cast on again and try to knit snug, not tight, and hope that maybe it will turn out better. I guess I shouldn't expect perfection on my first cable but I'm funny that way. I can't stand it if it isn't "perfect". I have my own definition of perfect for knitting purposes. lol
Monday, July 16, 2007
Doing The Happy Dance And Cables!
OMG!! I can't believe I'm doing cables. I thought it would be forever until I got to this point. I just joined a new group called Cloth Of The Week. This is the one they are working on now. So, I figured I would just jump on in and give it a try. I know, I know, it needs a little work and a lot of practice but I am so proud of my little cable. This is the beginning of my scrubber. I just hope I don't run out of yarn. Maybe I will pick another color and switch colors throughout just in case.
My biggest problem seems to be that I am a very tight knitter and this doesn't go well with cables. It makes them look a little warped as it causes the stitches to look pulled. I will definitely have to practice knitting a little looser when cables come into play. I was just so happy to actually be knitting something that resembles a cable that I had to post and share it with you!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Snake Bath Puppet
This is the snake bath puppet I just finished for my nephew. He loves to take baths and uses washclothes I knit for him. I thought this would be more fun than the washcloth. It's designed by Brian and is a free pattern available on his site. There's a link in my side bar if anyone is interested. (BrileyKnits) It's under free patterns...Brian's Designs. I can't wait to give it to my nephew and see how he likes it.
My snake turned out a little "beady eyed"....please don't blame the designer. No where in his pattern does it say "beady eyed" snake. I am just not skilled at sewing on eyes. It was another first for me. I think it adds to his "cuteness". That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
This little guy was fun to knit. I really enjoyed watching him come to life. It was also good practice for me at picking up stitches. I'm pretty comfortable knitting in the round but I've only done one other pattern that required picking up stitches. I will be making more of these for Christmas presents...and it'll give me more practice as well. Brian also has a frog and a duck pattern available. Thanks for sharing these with us, Brian. There are so cute.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Friday the 13th

There is also some awesome video from the local news station's helicopter's.
At this point, everything seems to be under control. They are monitoring the air quality since the site was found to be contaminated by metals and chemicals. There are a lot of homes in that area and an evacuation could be necessary if the air quality changes.
We do live out in a more rural part in the county so we aren't close to the danger. Although you can't help but worry about all those people in the area and the approximately 80 firefighters on the scene. There's another abandoned mill not too far from this one that also burned several years ago. You would think they would tear them down or renovate them to be used for something else to avoid things like this happening. If they sit there empty, they're just an accident waiting to happen. I do have some family that live near the fire...already called to make sure they are all okay. They have assured us that it's under control.
Maybe later I can post on a happier note. Let's keep our fingers crossed!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Today's Weather Report And Kitty Update
This is how the sky is looking today. YAY! Of course, around here the saying is....Wait 5 minutes and it'll change. But, for now we have pretty blue skies with just a few small scattered clouds. It's such a nice change. This is the view on the front porch.
This is the view from the back deck. I'm so glad we're having a pretty day. We're taking the kids to the movies tonight. The "bigger boys" and the little one are going to see Transformers. My youngest son and myself are going to see a scary movie. It's called 1408. I've seen the preview and it looks pretty good.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Another Day...Another Design
Monday, July 9, 2007
It's Here! Thank You, Brian!!!
This is the case all filled up and tied up. I have a mixture of my bamboo needles inside. All the ones that I happened to have handy. I need to get all my needles together and see what I have. I'm sure I need more cases to hold them all. I would be embarrassed to say how many knitting needles I own. In truth, it's probably a ridiculous number. The prices on ebay are so good though...it's just too hard to resist. They are mostly bamboo since they are my favorite. I hate the metal ones with the clicking and the stitches sliding....grrr.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Mystery Shawl Update
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy July 4th!
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Party Time
Today has been a long one. We had my oldest daughter's birthday party today. She wanted a pool party and since it was her "Sweet Sixteen", we gave in. Man, what a lot of work. It was worth it though. I think everyone had a good time and she even let us old folks hang around.

This is the birthday girl. One of the girls was doing cartwheels off the diving board so Megan wanted to give it a try....wish you could have seen that. It was so funny. She was scared to try and everytime she moved her foot to go, she would stop and squeal. She wasn't even jumping yet. She finally did but I think it took her 10 minutes to get the courage to just do it. She's such a girly girl.
This is the baby of the family who is fearless and jumped right up on the diving board and did her cartwheel like it's something she does every day. When the boys got too rough and ran the girly girls off...this one didn't budge. She fits in anywhere.

Here's the boys. Looks like they're plotting something and they probably are. That's what boys do isn't it? If you look in the background, you'll see that fearless one again. LOL

The grand finale.....her Dad brought fireworks to finish off the party. I'm so glad I got a shot of the first one. My 2 1/2 year old nephew is absolutely terrified of them so they had to stop. He went inside and refused to come back out after this. The party was ending at this point so he didn't miss the fun.
This is the birthday girl. One of the girls was doing cartwheels off the diving board so Megan wanted to give it a try....wish you could have seen that. It was so funny. She was scared to try and everytime she moved her foot to go, she would stop and squeal. She wasn't even jumping yet. She finally did but I think it took her 10 minutes to get the courage to just do it. She's such a girly girl.
Here's the boys. Looks like they're plotting something and they probably are. That's what boys do isn't it? If you look in the background, you'll see that fearless one again. LOL
The grand finale.....her Dad brought fireworks to finish off the party. I'm so glad I got a shot of the first one. My 2 1/2 year old nephew is absolutely terrified of them so they had to stop. He went inside and refused to come back out after this. The party was ending at this point so he didn't miss the fun.
Now I'm off to bed....seems like this day has lasted forever. We're all exhausted and aside from my youngest son, I'm the only one still left awake. He's proof reading as I type and it's a good thing as he's already caught several mistakes. :) Thanks for checking in...always nice to have visitors.
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