Finally, we have signs of Spring! I've seen some pretty photos on other blogs of flowers and trees with new buds and I look around here...nothing. How depressing. Today, after picking the kids up from school, this is what I found. YAY! I don't know what kind of tree/bush this is but it is so nice to see some flowering going on.

Just a little close-up...still playing with my camera and trying to get more comfortable with using it. I still have so much to learn with this new camera. I haven't had a lot of time to play around with the settings and see what we can do.

Some progress on the Broadripple Socks...turned the heel and now working the gusset. It's funny...the thing that really scared me about socks (turning the heel) is the thing I look forward to the most. It's kinda fun watching the heel take shape...almost magical.
The color is pretty bad in these two photos....I waited until too late in the day to take them....lighting is really bad.

Here you can see the gusset. I still need more practice picking up stitches but this one looks much better than my first one and I'm pretty sure I don't have any holes this time. At least none that just jump out at ya anyway. lol I love this pattern and this Cascade Fixation is awesome!
Thanks to everyone for your concern and prayers for my Mom. She did get to come home today and she's tired but feeling much better. I had to stay on her case and make sure she rested. I know she's feeling "cooped up" and wants to get back to doing things but she's going to have to take it slow. Your prayers have meant so much and it's such a wonderful feeling to know that so many people care....I can't thank you all enough. BIG HUGS!!!
Boy, I just caught up on my blogs,and read about your mom...I am so glad to hear she is home....
I just love the socks....The tree looks like a cherry tree....blossom...like the ones that line the streets in Washington D.C. that do not actually have cherries.
I use to love to be down there in the spring, and when the blossoms would start to fall off, it would look like it was snowing...
Gald to see it's spring somewhere. We're supposed to get more snow this weekend.
I love the sock. The colors are so spring and airy. They're going to look so cool when they're done.
Thanks for the blog comments about my amigurumi toys.
Wow, your sock is turnin' out just beautiful! You Go, Girl!!
Goodman says service berry trees (he actually calls them sarvice berry.;)
are the first to bloom, but the flowers look like a hawthorn to me...not that I know anything about trees...alls I really knows for shore is it's definitely a tree. :)
The sock looks wonderful!
I'm so glad your mom is home and feeling better!
Wow. Even with the bad lighting the sock is beautiful. Of course, you realize that means I'm going to have to consider buying that pattern...right?? At least I have enough sock yarn for the moment. (whew)
The blossoms are beautiful. I have no idea what they are though. Great news to hear that your mom is home.
Your socks are beautiful. I've never attempted a pair, so I admire everyone who does make them. Maybe someday that will be me.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and sending me get well wishes. I'm ready for spring too!
I'm so glad your mom is feeling better :)
No signs of spring here..it's been too cold, but I'm patiently waiting .....
You are doing a great job on your sock.
happy knitting :)
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